Free Walking Tour inside Kathmandu City is specially designed walking tour to explore the oldest sites of the city. This oldest site walking tour is free of cost and anyone can join with us for3 to 4 hours. During the Oldest Kathmandu Free Walking Tour, traveller can discover hidden fact of history, ritual, life style, art, architecture and its mysterious culture even short time. After then they can easily meet other travellers during this short walking tour and they can talk with them about sharing tour and cost for their long trekking adventure as well and you can choose your export tour and trekking guide before embark your trip, if you are wandering to find trekking and tour partner to reduce your price and to make new friendship as well. Please welcome with any question to enjoy your tour.
We believe that you will learn lot of unique story and technique which help to understand a lot about Nepal by yourself too after the Oldest Kathmandu Free Walking Tour, The main propose of this Oldest Kathmandu Free Walking Tour is let to know foreigner about the value of old life-long culture, ritual, history and it’s amazing art and architecture to erage the negative aspect of lifestyle and highlight on positive aspect of its lifestyle.
In this tour tourist easily learn what is Nepal and its culture, lifestyle, history, ritual lifestandered, ecomomy, politic and legendary explaining with organic style by local export which can’t find in Google and travel guide as well. This free walking tour unfold the exact hidden fact of oldest part of Kathmandu.
There is not any restriction of any age group so we are hearty welcome you to join in Oldest Kathmandu Free Walking Tour but you should be conformed before join in group by:, mobile ,WhatsApp and Viber:-+977-9843352540/ 9845790719, after the tour the clients are requested to do fact comment about tour then if you are happy with tour and you can give some tips to the guide if not then it is not necessary to give tips to the guide.
CHHETRAPATI CHOWK is an old public shelter in the South-west of Thamel and gate way to Monkey Temple and Kathmandu Durbar Square from Thamel. This is in the junction of the road, from where the road leads the six ways and our walking tour starts and ends also in Chhetrapati. Every day 9: am we lead the tour to Culturally, Historically and Artistically famous with bustling oldest market place of Kathmandu namely:- Katheshyambu Stupa, Bangemuda, Asan Bazaar, White Machhendranath Temple, Kathmandu Durbar Square, Monkey Temple, BIjeshori Temple, Shovabhagawati Temple and Indrani Temple and the tour ends in Chhetrapati Chowk.
KATHESHYAMBU STUPA: - After 5 minutes walking from Chhetrapati we reach at beautiful Buddhist Stupa call Katheshyambu which is replica of Shyambhunath Stupa. This Stupa is shrouded by local souvenir shops, couple of Monasteries and Hindu Goddess Harati Temple. Here we can study about old sign and symbol of Buddhist and Hindu religion and its meaning as well.
BANGEMUDA:- Again after 5 minutes walking South from Katheshyambu we reach at Bangemuda where we can study about 14 hundred years old Shiva Temple of its design and other Shaharawati Temple, Bishnu Temple and numerous spiritual sign and symbol with open public place and local people sells the vegetables fruits and necessary goods as well.
ASAN BAZAR: - This is the oldest and busiest market place in Kathmanduwhish is also in the junction of the road where six different ways are joining there. There are two different Hindu Temple Ganesh gods of success and Annapurna Goddess the goddess of food and raining as well. Every day morning and evening, there is market for vegetable and fruits and other thing as well.
WHITE MACHENDRANATH TEMPLE: - Again 5 minutes walking to South from Asan we can reach in White Machendra Temple which is worshiped by both Hindu and Buddhist as well. This is very artistic beautiful Pagoda style Temple is covered with full of Hindu and Buddhist symbol and sign. Hindu believe that Machherdranath is part of Shiva and Tibetan Buddhist belied that White Tara one of the powerful female energy. That is why many people come to visit there to clean their sin. Then we go ahead 2 minutes left where we can see amazing beets shop of Muslim people where selling necklace to Hindu women which is very important during Hindu marriage ceremony . Then we go Kathmandu Durbar through Indrachowk, the most bustling and crowed place in Kathmandu.
KATHMANDU DURBAR SQUARE: - It is politically, culturally and historically most famous Palace in Nepal, from where Shaha King has been unified so many handy kingdoms in one. Thais palace is divided in to two parts outside Palace and inside the Palace .There are all together 39 Temple, museum, Historical building and religious and historical sign and symbol. To know Nepalese history and art & architecture visiting this Palace is very worthy.
SHYAMBHUNATH STUPA: - It is the oldest and most famous Buddhist Stupa in Nepal which is suited on the top of hill, from where we can have spectacular view of Kathmandu valley and Himalaya as well. Morning and evening is the best to observe the spiritual activities and there are so many Monasteries belong to different group of Buddhism. This Stupa is known as monkey Temple due to a lot of monkeys. After visiting this monkey Temple, we will know practically about Buddhism and its sign and symbol then relation with Hinduism.
BIJESHORI TEMPLE: - after 15 minutes walking to East from Shyambhunath, we reach at Bijeshori Temple and she is worshiped by both Hindu and Buddhist so you can chance to about faith and relation between two sects. Hindu believed that consort of Bhairab and Goddess of Power Buddhist believed that she is the consort of Guru Rimboche also symbol of power and Tantric goddess and we couple of minutes go to left reach at the tantric Goddess Shovabhagawati Temple and cross the Bishunumati River then again reach at the Indrani Temple where we can see dad body cremation place and its ritual method of life and death and about 10 minutes walking back to Chhetrapati Chowk then your tour ends there.
In oldest p[art of Kathmandu, there are so many hidden fact, century longed hidtory, culture, language and local spiritual and ritual activities. So we operate walking tour let to about historicial, political, spiritual fact to the foreginer.
We do organize this walking tour twice a day morning and evening, if guest qequest for walking tour.In pick season everyday we will busy but in low season we do very rearely.
Everyday 9:am and 2: pm start this free walking tour from Chhetrapati Chowk.
Yes we are ready even with single people and with big group until 20 people as well.
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